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Dealing With A Hoarder

Are you trying to sell a home of someone who hoarded possessions? 

Unfortunately, it can be a real headache to sell a house with hundreds of possessions that are packed into every nook and cranny of the home. 

Just CLEANING the place can take months.

So what should you do? 

Well, at Flavortown Properties, we’ve worked with many homeowners in this exact situation.

And here’s what we always tell them are the options. 

You Can Get The House Ready For The MLS — This will take a lot of time and effort, but it’s certainly an option. If you’re not in a hurry to sell the house, then you might consider doing a lot of runs to the dump, hosting yard sales, making repairs, and updating the house until it’s ready for traditional buyers. 

You Can Rent The Property — To rent the property to tenants, you’ll still have to clean it up and get it presentable, but you won’t have to update it quite as much as you would for the MLS. The downside is that you have to deal with tenants, which can be more difficult than you’d expect. 

You Can Live In The Property — You might consider living in the property. Of course, you’ll probably want to clean it up and fix it up before you do. This can also take a lot of time, effort, and money. 

You Can Sell For Cash — At Flavortown Properties, we buy houses as-is for cash and we can close in as little as two weeks. If you want to get your fair cash offer, give us a call at (614) 756-6497

Thanks for taking the time to check out our website. We are local Columbus residents that focus on buying properties off-market (with no commissions) for cash. We are not “flippers” or “investors” looking to pay pennies on the dollar. We are local Buckeyes with families and we focus on buying rental properties. This allows us to make fair market value offers based on comparable sales and needed repairs. We are a small, but mighty team that thrives on helping others and works toward a common goal that provides a positive outcome for everyone.

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(614) 756-6497